'06 BLOIS Orleans-Tour '07

Thursday, June 22, 2006

So...this is blogging

6/22/2006- First post. Okay who knows, maybe you know me because you gave birth to me, or because I was in one of your school classes, or because we've sat staring at the wall together, or because I slept on your floor sometime, or who knows however many other scenarios. Well whoever you are, welcome.
This is a blog about my Adventure in Orleans-Tours academie in France where I will be teaching English to French primary students. I should probably introduce myself, I am Alan Brenner, I am twenty six years old, i'm into zen, soccer, family, and of course, french. Feel free to e-mail me at brenneralan@hotmail.com any time. I will actually be in France from october 06 to june 07, about seven months.
Check in here to see what life has been like for me and what new things I've seen and experienced.


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